Associate Professor Bingwen Wang
Bored in 1972, Shandong, China, B.W. Wang received his BA and PhD at University of Science & Technology Beijing and China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) in 1994 and 2005. Between 1994~2000,he works as anminingengineer at Shandong Gold Group.
Wang served as an Associate Professor at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) since 2010. He has long term experience with Theory andTechnology of Filling Mining.Wang has co-authored 3 booksand over 30 refereed journal papers, including selected 5 papers like
1. Wang BW, Xiong TY, Gao LJ, et al.. Effects of tailings gradation on rheological properties of filling slurry, Advances in civil engineering, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/6873840
2. Wang BW, Gao LJ, Xiong TY, et al..Study on relationship between UCS of cemented tailings backfill and weight losses of hydration products, Advances in civil engineering, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/9457309
3. Wang BW, LI QM, GAO LJ, et al.. Experimental study of dehydration-consolidation of full tailings filling slurry using electro-osmosis method. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 38(S1):3163-3170.(DOI: 10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2018.0310)
4. Wang BW, Zhang L; Wang J et al.. Studies on burning process of clinker used for corrosion-resisting cementitious material in fill mining.Source: Advanced Materials Research, Advanced Materials and Processes, 2011, v 311-313, p 1527-1530
5. Wang BW, Hou YB, Zhai ZH, et al.. Durability of bittern-resisting cement in high concentration brine.Source: Advanced Materials Research, New and Advanced Materials, 2011, v 197-198, p 972-976
Contact: Dr. Bingwen WANG, Professor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China
Tel: +86-10-62339060, 13693006633
Email: wbw@cumtb.edu.cn, 908400966@qq.com